Sunday, November 22, 2009

Little Boys

Fixing the chair with Daddy.

Trying to escape out the front door with the help of a laundry basket.

This is what I walked into after leaving the room for about 30 seconds. Easton decided he needed to sit on top of his new outdoor chair on top of the couch. Is this only the beginning of being a Mom to a fearless little boy?

Instead of using his music cube to play music Easton now moves it around the house as a step stool. I am sure we could find him a bigger, more stable surface but this is his current choice.

Easton and his new backyard.

The little garden.

Easton likes to pick mint.

Over Fall Break Chris completely demolished and revamped our backyard. It is so beautiful now. He did such an amazing job and we are so lucky! Easton now has grass to play on, a garden to get messy in, rocks to shovel, and a slide. In case you did not see our backyard before I will describe. It was all rock. Everywhere. We had horseshoe pits in the middle. There was also a fire pit that had to go for now. Now we have the beautiful yard above to enjoy for this perfect time of year thanks to Chris!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

It's A..........

Part of a video of the baby playing with it's hand. But the video part did not work out.

High Five!

Cute little foot.

This wiggly little baby was playing with it's hands the whole ultrasound.

Easton loving on the belly. 19 weeks.

Just kidding! It's still a surprise! We held strong and resisted finding out. But both Chris and are are pretty convinced it is a boy. We had our ultrasound last week and the tech took tons of time to get cool baby pictures and video. Much better than our last experience with the miserable tech. I guess this is becoming more of a family blog rather than just Easton. Sorry Easton!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Easton's 2 day Halloween Extravaganza

Easton's big pumpkin courtesy of Chris. He had to rush it a bit and we also did not have a good enough picture to go by.

Dancing for the trick-or-treaters.

Come on Daddy! Let's go trick-or-treating!

Working on his swing.

Painting his little pumpkin.

Ewww! Pumpkin guts!

I appear to be having trouble keeping up with the parade. This kid is getting to heavy.

These are the original golf clubs that went with Easton's costume. Clearly his toy clubs worked out better.

Watching the parade with Grandma.

Running like a mad man in Grandma's class making the 5th graders laugh.

Easton at his first Halloween Baby Get Together.

Easton has had an extremely busy Halloween. Yet again the pictures are out of order so Friday pictures are on the bottom and Saturday pictures are on the top. Friday I took Easton to a Halloween get together for some kids. He had so much fun. It was fun to see him around a bunch of kids for once. Later that afternoon we went to the costume parade at my Mom's school. Easton thought all of the kids were lined up to watch him run up and down the hall. On Saturday we spent the evening at my parent's house. We had a BBQ outside and hung out in the driveway watching the trick-or-treaters. Easton loved it. He even tried to take off trick-or-treating with a bunch of kids so we did end up taking him to a few houses. Now whenever he sees his candy basket he says "Trick or Treat!" in Easton language of course.

A day at the zoo.

Easton having a picnic with his buddies. He is just about to hand over his lunch.

Easton decided it was a good idea to talk to these anti-social goats since the other goats were not paying any attention to him.

This is seconds after the anti-social goat decided to head butt Easton. I wish I could I caught it on video. Look at that sad face!

Trying to get the stick away from the goat.

There is a monkey right behind Easton's head and he could care less.

It was finally cool enough to enjoy a day at the zoo. We even had jackets on the whole time. It was so perfect out. Easton had so much fun and loved watching the people more than the animals really. Maybe next time he won't be so fearless in the petting zoo now that he was knocked down a peg by the goat!