Monday, May 23, 2011

Little Gym Show Day.

Getting his certificate for completing the semester.

Tegan was in heaven! Bouncy balls and bubbles!

Spider walk across the bars.

Bouncing on the air track.

Tegan just loved the little chairs.

Easton brought the whole family to the last day of his Little Gym class. He had so much fun showing off for Grandma, Papa, Tegan, and Daddy. I think Tegan had even more fun. Easton is going to miss Little Gym class. I am not sure we will do it again right now since he missed so many classes from being sick. But we enjoyed the classes we made it to! Sorry for all of the blurry pictures. The boys were hard to keep up with.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

When we are around a lot of people or in a new setting Tegan usually remains perfectly silent and doesn't move very far. Here is a tiny glimpse at what he is really like at home for those who have never heard him make a peep.

Finally walking!

This was from a few weeks ago. Right after this Tegan started running all over the house.

Boys at work.

Here are my three cute guys hard at work trying to fix my broken food processor. No luck but they looked cute trying! The boys want to be just like their Daddy. Tegan is also testing out some of the new rocking "horses" Chris has been making.

Happy Easter!

Watching his big brother dye eggs.

His finished product complete with the horrible "cheese face".

Checking out the goods in their bucket/baskets. Can you tell Easton was not well AGAIN in this picture.

Little does he know there is chocolate inside.

Tegan with Great Grandma.

Looks like Easton may have a few assistants in the egg hunt.

Great Aunt Brenda, Kinsley, Tegan, and Great Grandma

Tegan and Easton really wanted Kinsley to play ball. Maybe in a few more months boys.

I always thought there were typically less pictures of the second child. Looking through our photos we seem to have way more of Tegan than of Easton lately. Sorry Easton! I promise we want more but you are just way to hard to catch some times!