Monday, June 14, 2010

Born to be Wild!

Easton is trying out his cool new Harley tricycle.

He is liking looking through the windshield.

Easton got some cool new things for his birthday! He got an awesome motorcycle bike. He is too little to reach the pedals but I am sure Chris will fix that. So far he likes to scoot around the house on it then back it up in "reverse" saying "beep, beep, beep". Easton is also loving the pool GG Pa gave him- as well as Daddy!
We also had Easton's 2 year check-up today. Thank goodness his next check up is a year away because I am pretty sure they will need a year to recover from the screams of Easton. He was not happy and had to be pinned down to be examined and poked. Thanks Chris!
Weight: 29.3 lbs. (70%) also not sure how accurate since he had to be put on the baby scale and was flailing about.
Height: 35.5 inches (75%)
Head: 20 (90%)

Monster Truck Party!

It seriously looks like we were having 50 people over but there were probably more like 12.

Checking out his Grave Digger pinata.

Easton's buddy Elliot and his mommy, Erica.

Jaxon and Easton having cupcakes.

I like how he just dove in head first.

Very methodically scraping frosting off one finger scoop at a time.

He just realized treats and toys were flying out!

Checking out the loot.

Tegan having a snuggle with Great Aunt Brenda.

Hot tubbing with the boys.

Chris is having to wrestle his beer away from Elliot!
Easton had a blast at his Monster truck birthday party! He had so much fun playing with friends and family. He got lots of fun stuff. He is one lucky little guy! He was a little too young for the pinata but had fun anyways.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sea Life Aquarium

This party animal slept through everything.

I think he is looking for Nemo.

Me trying to fit into the tank that was clearly not meant for adults.

But I made it!

Easton was inching along the metal edges of the walkway as soon as he realized he could see the water and fish below. The glass made him a bit nervous.

Cleaner shrimp. Looked like little pencils bobbing around.

Easton's head in the tank.

Grandma and Easton in the circle tank watching the fish swim around and around.

Reaching into the "no touching tank". Opps. The Sea Life Aquarium is brand new and insanely crowded. Clearly the double stroller I brought inside was a horrible idea. I will know better next time. But Easton has a blast and it was nice to have a cool, indoor activity.

2 month stats:

11 lbs. 4 oz. (50%) up from the 25th

24 inches long (90%)

16 for the head(50%)

I was absolutely convinced this little boy eats almost nothing. Well, he must be eating something to have a jump like that! He is my long and lean baby!