Monday, May 31, 2010

My Boys

I believe Easton is thinking, "Hmm... what can I do to him next?"

Easton's antics while Mommy is busy nursing. He decided to put my shirt on and run around the house.

More antics while Mommy was feeding. Actually, I was stuck to the pump this time. Easton was in the play room yelling, "Momma! I stuck!" He then decided he was ok, "I Otay! I Otay!" so I kept pumping. Five minutes later I went to check on him and he was happily swinging his legs and singing. Apparently he really was stuck since he was scared to jump down.

Easton trying to be helpful by forcefully jamming the binky back into Tegan's mouth. No wonder he doesn't want it half the time.

He can be sweet too.

Then again, maybe not. Here he is playing "Lets put a hat over Tegan's face and listen to him scream while Mommy takes a picture."

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