Saturday, May 21, 2011

Happy Easter!

Watching his big brother dye eggs.

His finished product complete with the horrible "cheese face".

Checking out the goods in their bucket/baskets. Can you tell Easton was not well AGAIN in this picture.

Little does he know there is chocolate inside.

Tegan with Great Grandma.

Looks like Easton may have a few assistants in the egg hunt.

Great Aunt Brenda, Kinsley, Tegan, and Great Grandma

Tegan and Easton really wanted Kinsley to play ball. Maybe in a few more months boys.

I always thought there were typically less pictures of the second child. Looking through our photos we seem to have way more of Tegan than of Easton lately. Sorry Easton! I promise we want more but you are just way to hard to catch some times!

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