Sunday, July 10, 2011

San Diego

We have no clue what they are looking at but it must have been interesting.

He would not be put down on this first day. He got a little too excited and ran towards the water very first thing and was knocked over by a wave. He landed face first in the water and sand. It was downhill after that!

Touching the starfish at the Legoland aquarium.

Brave boy!

Sky train

Making music and spraying water by jumping on the dots.

Choo- choo!

Nice team work! Pumping the firetruck and putting out the fire.

Easton's favorite part of Legoland- the Pirate themed playground. I don't think there was a single Lego related item on this playground and it was his favorite of course. This was the best playground I have ever seen. It was so big and had so many level parents actually had to go searching for their kids to get them to leave.

Hmm... I guess choosing level 5 was a mistake. We should have stuck with one.

I think he is waiting for Daddy to throw up after seeing us on that ride.

Papa and Easton on the right side.

Waiting for the boat ride. One of the few things Tegan could ride.

So tired. Big day!

So many cool things made out of legos!

Tegan's favorite- the bouncy bridge.

Looking for seashells.

Grandma may have planted some shells since there are not normally many on these beaches.

Building sand castles. The boys did much better on their second day at the beach. Maybe it was just have extra hands there that made it easier!

Not a fan of sand in his mouth.

All better now that he is throwing rocks in a bucket of water.

La Jolla- watching the seals and soaking in the last of the beautiful weather at the beach!

We had a pretty successful trip to San Diego last week. The boys were not great in the car. Easton did not sleep the entire 6.5 hours there. Tegan slept for 25 minutes and cried for 75% of the ride. Not fun. But at least we were driving towards perfect weather! We stayed in Carlsbad and our hotel had it's own back entrance to Legoland. I highly recommend that if you ever plan to go there. We could come and go as we wanted. We would spend the morning at Legoland, come back for naps, then go back in the evenings. Easton was fairly overwhelmed by the crowds but definitely warmed up to the place. He is still a bit small for some stuff but there was a big enough "Little Kid" section for him. Tegan was happy to just watch it all. They both HATED the beach the first day and had way more fun back at our hotel pool. They did much better the second time we went. I think we did pretty well in our hotel for all being stuck in one room for the first time ever. The boys were so exhausted they napped fairly well (Tegan falling asleep as soon as his head hit the sheets). Chris and I watched movies with headsets on the laptop while they slept. At least now we know we survived one room since we are normally spoiled with two! Easton loved stopped by the preschool I used to work at and was so proud if himself for using the potty in my old room. I think he liked it better there than Legoland! We were very lucky my parents came along for a few days and helped wrangle the boys. We were even more lucky they watched them so we could go out one night! Thanks Mom and Dad! The drive home was not much more exciting. Tegan slept for 45 minutes of a 6 hour drive and cried 70%. Easton talked non-stop for most of it and went with my parents for another part of it. It was sad to leave the absolutely perfect weather! We could not have caught a better week!

Easton's highlights:

1) The Pirate playground at Legoland (not actually lego related of course)

2) Mommy's old preschool

3) His free sample (bread stick) from Pat and Oscar's which he talked about for 2 days straight. "Do you have my sample?" "Where is my sample?" "Remember my yummy sample?"

**Note, none of those highlights really have much to do with the beach or Legoland of course!

Low lights:

1) Diaper bag and beach bag were stolen from our car on the second day. We ran into a restaurant to grab dinner to take back to the hotel. I left my bag in the front seat (which I NEVER do) and Chris forgot to lock the car (which he never forgets). Someone just opened the door and took it :( Our own fault but still not fun. They got some clothes since we had just come back from the water park, our camera that had the first 2 days of pictures, and my diaper bag that had anything you would ever need for any given situation! I was more mad about that silly bag. Luckily my parents came the next day and brought a bag and a camera for us to use.

Sorry for the picture overload and novel!

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