Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Happy 1 month birthday!

Tegan deserved his own "Easton Free" post for his 1 month birthday. Our little guy is just so sweet and snuggly. At his 2 week appointment he was up past his birth weight to 7 lbs. 4 ounces. I am not sure what he is weighing in at 2 weeks later but he definitely feels bigger and is filling out a bit. Tegan is a very mellow and content baby so far. Well, content as long as his belly is not bothering him and he seems to have worked all of that out. Tegan is going to be one tough little guy. He has a big brother that is already torturing him, yelling in his face when he is sleeping, throwing things at him, etc. I am sure it will make him one tough guy. He was not very happy while trying to take the one month pictures since Easton was bouncing around loudly next to him.

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